Monday, February 2, 2009

Shadows, Fashion, and Tantrums

Well, as you can tell from Miranda's choice of attire today, she was really hoping that Punxsutawney Phil would NOT see his shadow today. I am very sad to learn that he declared six more weeks of winter. But since he's just a big rodent, I don't think I'm going to take his predictions too seriously. I did not let Miranda out of the house in that outfit (it was 35 degrees outside), but she took a lot of cajoling to get her to put pants on. And then she wanted to wear the shorts on TOP of the pants. I said, "Sure!" It was a bit of a struggle, so she gave up thankfully. :)

Miranda has always been the little diva in our family in more ways than one. But the main way she's shown this is in her desire to pick her own clothes. She comes up with some very interesting outfits but most of them are quite fashionable. Jill has never been one to care what she's wearing. If I give her a choice, sure, she has a preference. But every morning I pick out some clothes and she puts them on and goes to school with nary a comment about the clothing I picked. I doubt that will last forever but I will enjoy it while it lasts. Natalie is following in Miranda's footsteps by shrieking if I pick the pink striped shirt, when she wanted the yellow one with flowers. Oh yay.

Today I got up and actually showered early! I was all ready to go deposit a check at the bank and get groceries at my least favorite place with the cheapest prices by 9 a.m.! I was going to get a lot done before my kids were hungry, tired, cranky, etc. Yeah, right. We had a pretty uneventful shopping trip except that the girls took turns getting in and out of the cart (the 2 seat kind that are a mile long and impossible to push and turn, etc.) and Natalie finally broke down when I wouldn't let her grab, peel, and eat a banana right there! It was my last item on my list and it all went very downhill after that. She kicked, she screamed, I strapped her in, I did the best I could to get checked out and OUT of the store as soon as possible. Nat proceeded to kick my chair and SHRIEK the whole way home. I tried all of my usual tricks and finally resorted to the "drown her out" method. I cranked up the radio and Miranda and I sang and danced in our seats all the way home, while trying to ignore Nat's shrieking. "Sweet dreams are made of these..." Ha. Hardly. I know she's TWO but good grief. This is going to be a long year...

Also, Nat is doing EXCELLENT with the potty training but now she won't sleep at night. At least not in her bed. I refuse to let her in our bed anymore. She's a big girl, she's not sick or anything, and we need our sleep!!! Which we don't get when kiddos are in the bed too. So she usually gets the option of her bed or our floor. I'm tired................ ZZZZZ.... This too shall pass, right?

You'll notice in this picture that her shirt says, "Sweetie." I specifically put it on this morning to remind myself that she really is a sweetie. Hidden deep inside that tantrum-throwing kid that I have to live with these days. *Sigh*


Crysta said...

We have a little Nat in our house now...Spencer is quite the tantrum boy! Sounds like your day was a lot like mine. :) Nat is getting so big and her hair is so long. Cute pictures! Miss you guys!

Kiera said...

We need to get more shirts like that for Audrey. Ones that say Angel, Blessing, You love me!
Your girls are getting so big!

Meredith said...

I can't believe all that hair, where did our little Natalie go? I think Sydney and Miranda are two peas in a pod, Syd is the diva of the house and sometimes when we go somewhere in a completely crazy mismatched outfit, I have to remind myself that all the other moms that see us and smile aren't laughing at her, they're smiling because they have one just like her! They are fun... Good luck with potty training, you have such good luck with that, so jealous!!!

Kim-the-girl said...

I can't believe your ambition... seriously ready and out the door before 9 am? You are my hero! I love those pics of the girls, they are so them. What sweet little angels! ;)

Bryner Family said...

Crysta & Meredith - Nat's hair has been cut several times. It grows fast but gets kind of stringy and straw-ish if it's too long, so I keep cutting it to shoulder length. :)

Kim - My goal was 8 a.m. but made it by 9! :)

Amy Pennington said...

Thanks for letting me know about the groundhog findings.. I was wondering! I love winter so this makes me giddy!
Your kids are so cute. They all look like angels in the pics...what could possibly be wrong;)

Precious precious!

Melynie said...

Why is it that 2 and 3 year olds are so very good at being their age? Luckily, it's also one of the cutest ages--right between baby and kid. Gotta love the wardrobe selections, too. My kiddos do the same thing...and then wonder why we don't leave the house...