Thursday, April 10, 2008

Bad Example

Lately I've noticed I may not be setting the best example for my kids. Missy M is quite often the cause of Princess N's cries these days (whether she's trying to help or hinder her) and I automatically assume Missy M is to blame. This morning I was putting on my makeup and Princess N wanted to be held RIGHT THEN, so she was sticking her little fingers between my knees as if she could climb up my body, and I ignored her for the 30 seconds it took me to finish what I was doing. She was wailing really good when Missy M comes running in and in her best imitation of MY voice says, "WHAT HAPpened?!" Ha ha. I say that multiple times a day and it is usually followed by M's innocent voice, "I was just...(fill in whatever her excuse was this time)." It was so hilarious but I realized I should probably give Missy M the benefit of the doubt because sometimes Princess N cries without provocation (can you believe that of my little angel!?) and oftentimes Missy M really is trying to help.

I've caught Lil' J reprimanding her younger sisters in my voice with my words too. It's really awful hearing what you say coming from your children. It's not like I'm swearing at them or saying hateful things by any means, but I definitely want to re-think what I say to them and treat them with more respect. I don't want my shortness with them to be something they use themselves when they grow up and try to talk to people in school or wherever.

As I type, Princess N is doing her best crocodile cry and Missy M is saying, "What? What?" so innocently as if she doesn't know what in the world could be the problem. Maybe that she's pulling her favorite blanket away from her. Again. AAAAH! Deep breath. Going to solve the problem. :)


Michelle said...

Well, it could be worse. When I was home over Christmas, my mom was going through all our old tapes (she used to record "interviews" with us kids at different ages). We found one of me at 2 1/2 years old, shouting into the tape recorder in my perfect mom-voice, "Crap! Crap! Crap! Oh for cryin' out loud!"

I think my mom was kind of embarrassed, but I sure got a good laugh out of it.

Nicole said...

Having children is like holding up a mirror to yourself...whether you like it or not! My children definitely imitate me. And not always the best parts of me, that's for sure! I always hear Anna telling her sister, "You may NOT...." EXACTLY like me. Is that what i say ALL day long? Apparently.

Amy Pennington said...

You are the last person I would be worried about my child copying your words. You are a great mom and I doubt you are harsh at all. They do hear our tones and that is a hoot....but Brandi you have always been someone I look up to as far as parenting and patience is concerned:) hope you are having a fabulous day!

Heidi said...

I feel you. Mine do the same and I think, "Do I really sound like that?" You're right--it's all about treating them with the respect they deserve as human beings.

But sometimes that's hard.

Amy Pennington said...

hey you...I'm back!