Monday, August 25, 2008

The Big Day

My baby is gone for the WHOLE day! I took Jill to Kindergarten this morning. We woke up early and got everything ready. Ben stayed home with the little ones (still sleeping!) while I took Jill for her first day. I was pretty camera happy and Jill was sweet to go along but I think she was getting tired of it by the time I was leaving. She seemed a little nervous and was pretty quiet in the classroom but she didn't seem scared or sad to see me go. I finally said, "Ok, well I guess you're ok with me leaving now," and she gave me a really big hug and stuck her bottom lip out a little, like she didn't want me to leave . I think that was just a little show for me. I'm sure as soon as I left she started having a great time! :) There was a little girl at her table who was whimpering and her lower lip was quivering and her parents had already left by the time we got Jill seated next to her. She was trying so hard not to cry. Her friend from church, Courtney, is seated at the next table and they thought that was neat. Yes, that tiny little girl in the picture is in Jill's class! Most of the other kids are between their heights, I think. :) The teacher said they'd only be in their classroom for about 10 minutes and then they'd go to music and then gym. Sounds like fun to me! I know she will love every minute of it and I'm just counting down the hours until I get to hear all about it! I'm just extremely proud of myself for not crying and I'm glad that Jill didn't cry either. I guess we were both fully prepared for this. :)

I'm also surprised at how fun it is to just have two kids at home again. I DO miss my sweet Jill who is always ready with a hug and is always willing to do anything I ask her. But now I can give more individual attention to the other two obviously and there's no fighting between my two big girls about who is going to wake up, play with, read to, etc. Natalie! :) I've already read about 10 books to Miranda and she is totally loving it. Running my errands today will be a lot easier with just two to look after. So I'm very happy too. What an emotional day!


Kim-the-girl said...

Wow! You were camera happy! ;o) She looks excited, how fun that Courtney is in her class! I'm anxiously waiting to hear how everything goes for Bryant too!

Meredith said...

Aaaw, sweet Jill. I hope her first day of school was a blast, I'm sure she will love it and will make tons of neat friends! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, by the way! :)

Crysta said...

I am glad to hear everything went well. I will be calling you when I am the mom boo whooing next year!

Melissa said...

Yeah for Jill! I'm so sorry she didn't make it into first grade. I know how frustrating that must be. Maybe next year. But I also know from experience that teachers are pretty good at helping those smart kids and that maybe some of the things she will learn this year won't be part of the curriculum but will be invaluable. Good luck and congrats on not crying:)

Melynie said...

Cute pics! Big day! It was great surprise to see you this weekend, even if we only got to chat for a moment. I loved meeting your girls!